Virtual Master Class
The New Era Learning Experience !
Aheadland provides cutting-edge training programs on platforms such as spatial or Horizon work within the Metaverse. Leveraging immersive experiences, participants engage in hands-on learning, navigating three-dimensional environments

This program aims to familiarize participants with Metaverse Platforms, providing a thorough understanding of Metaverse Experiences and enabling them to create and manage virtual workspaces.
Understanding virtual environments, navigating in 3D spaces, customizing avatars, setting up virtual workspaces, collaborating effectively, and being aware of future trends and real-world applications.
The targeted audience is professionals interested in virtual collaboration, remote work, and virtual reality technologies.
09:00 – 9:30 AM
Introduction : Welcome and Overview of the Day’s Agenda Brief Introduction to the Metaverse and its Relevance
09:30 – 11:00 AM
Understanding Metaverse Plateforms : Practical Applications and Benefits
11.00 AM – 12:30 PM
Demo : Navigating Three-Dimensional Environments. Avatar Creation and Customization. Setting Up Virtual Workspaces
12:30 – 01:30 PM
Lunch Break
01:30 – 03:00 PM
Hands-on Practice : Collaborative Tasks and Group Activities
03:00 – 04:00 PM
Advanced Applications and Future Trends : Exploring Advanced Features and Tools. Case Studies: Real-world Implementations. Discussion on Future Trends and Possibilities
04:00 PM – 05:00 PM
Q&A and Wrap-up : Open Q&A Session with Instructors
- Présentiel ou Distanciel
- Alternance des apports théoriques et des séances de réflexion / travail en groupe.
- Si souhaité, à la fin de chaque module un questionnaire à choix multiple permettra de vérifier l’acquisition correcte des compétences.
➤ La genèse d’une marque de luxe
➤ Les champs de singularité d’une marque de luxe
➤ La naissance d’une marque de luxe et son édification dans le temps
➤ Les territoires d’expression d’une vision de marque
➤ Les codes du luxe
➤ Les nouveaux enjeux et paradigmes du luxe
➤ Le luxe à travers l’histoire
➤ Le luxe français : genèse et
➤ Influence et inspirations du pays d’origine
➤ Sens profond et symboliques du luxe
➤ Caractéristiques fondamentales du luxe